So I've decided I need a new hobby and blogging is going to be it. There are lots of bloggers who earn a decent living blogging and that's cool--if I end up making money by blogging then of course I'm on board--but mostly I'm looking for a community of fellow writers, moms, and photographers to share in my experiences. I don't really know what I'm doing so I'm just going to wing it and write about anything and everything. I signed up with Influenster a fun survey slash product review site, and so hopefully I'll be able to try out some fun stuff to blog about. If you'd like an invitation to try out their site drop me an email at and I'll hook you up. I'm also going to be redesigning the blog as much as I can to make it more user friendly and give you more space to have discussions. Mi blog casa es su casa so feel free to make yourself at home.
If there is anything you'd like me to write about please let me know in the comments or via email. You can also follow my blog with Bloglovin now that Google Reader is going MIA very soon. If you have a blog I'd love to start following you as well if you leave your link in the comments section.
As always feedback is welcome and I hope you enjoy the new Muggyman! I plan on putting in a lot of effort to make this blog more fun and interesting.
And now for a random baby picture of Katie from yesterday:
Happy Friday everyone!