I know I should feel guilty for putting them in front of the TV so often, but I don't know how I could make it through the day sometimes without my baby sitters Nemo, Simba, Thomas (& friends), some Canadian documentary called Mighty Machines, and creepy Little Tykes Land. And when I'm really tired we watch that Neil Patrick Harris movie version of the Smurfs because we recorded it when we had a free trial of the Starz channel and it has no commercials.
I feel even less guilty when I pop on Fireman Sam and find my son reading a book about firemen as he watches.
I applaud all of those moms who cut out cable and actually entertain their children for fifteen hours a day, I really do. Those moms are superheroes and their kids end up on spelling bees where the contestants not only can spell the word but now they are forced to know the definitions. I will be the first to admit that I am not one of those superhero moms.
Please put down that cribbage board, it's not a weapon! Here, watch Cars. And when that's over we can pop in Cars 2 until Daddy gets home from work.
Is it just me? Do you let your child watch television?