She's getting so big, so alert. She's starting to laugh and to giggle and to hold her head up. She is an absolute joy. Katie cries maybe twice a day; when she is changed and when she wants to be picked up. All other times she baas like a sheep to let us know she is unhappy. She hates the hiccups. She loves milkies and baths. She loves her brother and her Boo Boo Kitty pacifier.
Kathleen looks like Dylan as a baby except her face is longer and her hair is darker. She still startles at loud noises and throws her hands up in the air. I love when she does that. She's drinking 4oz of formula every 2-3 hours and only wakes once in the middle of the night to eat. The problem is that she goes right back to sleep but I cannot lay her down or else she spits up so I end up staying up with her for about two hours each night as she sleeps or I give in and let her sleep in my arms.
She's getting such a personality. And she can melt us with one smile. Here are some of my favorite pictures of Kate since she was born:
Okay, so that was a lot of photos. I'm kind of in love with her so it's hard to chose my favorites. Just now she was sat on my lap smiling as I made silly noises at her. I can't wait to see how her personality grows as she gets older.
We love you, Katie Rhea!