Monday, January 20, 2014

Chronicles of Kate's Cold

I woke up on the couch at eight to a tiny boy standing next to me saying, "I'm hungry!" and a sleeping Kate still warm from her fever snoring loudly in my arms. Her mouth wide open, sleeps just like her Mama. We didn't get much rest with Kate coughing and screaming half the night and so I called the doctor's office at 8:10 to set up an appointment. They nicely gave us an 8:45 and we had a thirty-minute drive. Somehow I got two kids and myself dressed and out the door in less than ten minutes, we picked up Sean from work on the way, and were at our appointment albeit five minutes late.

Kate weighed in at 18.1 pounds and had a low fever of 99.something. Doctor Jeff examined Kate and said that her ears looked fine and she has a virus and will feel better in a few days. Nothing he could do. I was relieved that she didn't have an ear infection. She cried as if she was in pain overnight.  We were home in time to watch the second half of Live With Kelly and Michael and I was feeling a bit guilty that I had rushed her down to the doctor and there was nothing more to do than to wait for her to heal herself.  Two doctor appointments in one week, might as well start chipping away at our insurance deductibles.  

It's 11:30PM now and I'm writing this from my phone.  I didn't feel like starting up my computer tonight so I'll post today's photos tomorrow. We just watched a pretty wicked episode of Dexter and I'm full of adrenaline.  When I told Sean that I wouldn't be able to sleep after watching such a nail-biting episode which revolved around the icebox killer Sean replied, "Wow it's cold in here. Feels like we're in a refrigerator."  I laughed so hard. That episode was seriously terrifying.  

I have this app called Timehop which let's me see what I posted on Facebook in the past few years.  Not surprisingly, both entries from 2013 and 2012 were about the funny thigs Sean says. 

Kate is in her crib for the first time in three nights and I am finally back in our bed and not on the couch.  She's coughing now and then though and can't catch her breath so if she keeps it up I'll take her back downstairs where it's cooler.  I don't get a wink of sleep when my babies have croup because I listen for their breathing all night.  Mom hearing is more powerful than sonar, even when asleep.

Fingers crossed that she gets better overnight and that we don't get slain by the icebox killer.  But seriously, that episode was terrifying.