Thursday, January 16, 2014

Poor Dylan

Dylan was running around being his happy energetic self yesterday until dinnertime when he suddenly started looking glossy-eyed and sick. He said his throat hurt and by bedtime he was barely coherent. His face was pink and he complained that his ear was sore. He was in bed by seven as usual and he didn't fall asleep until about ten, he rolled around in bed moaning and in obvious pain. I cleaned out his ear, made him some toast, gave him some ice water, rubbed lotion and vapor rub on his legs, feet, and chest, and cuddled him as best I could but he was just feeling so horrible. I figured he'd be up all night in pain but when he finally fell asleep he slept straight through until 4AM.

Kate, on the other hand, woke up from 11-3AM to play. For no reason other than she didn't want to sleep. Maybe she was feeling sympathy pains for her big brother. Sean let me sleep in until eight and Kate fell immediately back to sleep on me. Perhaps you could try sleeping at night, little Miss Rhea?


Dylan woke up in great spirits this morning and his 4AM fever had subsided to low-grade so we ran errands to the post office and to pick up some medicine to hopefully help with my leg pain--which is much better today, thankfully--and by the time we came home Dylan was acting like his old self and Kate was still exhausted from not sleeping all night.


But he mentioned that his ear still hurt and by noon his eye started to puss. Crap, he's got pink eye, and an ear infection. So we made a doctor's appointment and Sean left work--best dad ever--to help me take him so he could carry a sick Dylan and hold a sleepy Kate.


Look at this poor buddy. He really started to feel sick at the office and his eye started oozing yellow goop.


We scored the Harry Potter room which Dylan loves because he loves trains. And our boy weighs 31.4lbs now, still a skinny little thang. He started getting drowsy by this point.


The doctor said he has an ear infection and does not have pink eye, rather it's a cold in his eye. He doesn't have a stuffy nose but his sinuses are draining through his tear duct. It looks like pink eye to me, but I'm not a doctor so we'll just hope she's right and that our whole house doesn't suddenly contract conjunctivitis. It's the grossest thing I've ever seen, it looks like snot is pouring from his eye. I'll spare you the gruesome photos. He loves the bubblegum antibiotics the doctor prescribed, he abhors the eye drops.

I laid him down on the kitchen table which he thought was pretty awesome and placed one eye drop in his healthy eye and he cried and cried and begged for me not to do that to him ever again. Oh, I'm so sorry, sweetheart. Not only do I have to do it again but you need two drops in both eyes three times a day for the next week. Poor, poor Dylan.

He's smiling and happy and doesn't seem to mind that his face is coated in eye snot. I love that kid.