Saturday, August 10, 2013

Giggly babies

At five months old, Katie is suddenly looking for me. As she sat in her grandma's arms yesterday she reached out for me and let out a little "ehh". She wouldn't settle and kept trying to sit up to get to me. When I walked over and scooped her up she cozied into my arms and relaxed. She's doing the same thing this morning. I handed her to Sean so that I could take my medicine and brush my teeth and he mentioned that she followed me around the room with her gaze like a hawk.


These are the times to remember.

I went back and watched videos of Dylan as a baby last night. I'm a bit blown away at how similar they are. They are both smiley beyond smiley, sitting up, high-fiving, rolling, reaching. It's no secret that this is my favorite baby age--they have personality but not mobility.

Here are some videos of them at around the same age. Two happy, healthy babies.

Dylan is six months old:

And here is Kate at four months old:

Dylan is sleeping in today. I'm anxious for him to get up so we can start our day. The sun is shining and we are going to make the most of it.

Have a happy weekend, everyone!