Saturday, December 15, 2012

3 years and 24 miles from here


Parents everywhere shook in their souls with the news of the Newtown CT shooting which killed 27 people yesterday, a majority of the victims being innocent children. I was no different, I watched the coverage for hours in a state of shock and disbelief. My son is too young to understand what has transpired and his naivety is refreshing; we spent all day playing trucks together.

I didn't know any of the children who were killed to my knowledge, but I did know the principal. Her daughters are my age and my brothers and I spent many evenings on her porch during the summer of our freshman year. From what I remember of her, Dawn was extremely sweet and loving and thought the world of her girls. According to all accounts she thought the world of her students, too.

I think everyone around the world is still in shock over this tragedy. Like many others I can't help but to watch my child and put myself in the shoes of the parents who can no longer play trucks with their babies. This shooting happened 24 miles away from here. I've driven past Newtown hundreds of times. My son is 2 and will be in kindergarten in three years. This shooting hits home not only because it happened in our state but because my son will be in a classroom soon, an innocent baby in school just like the victims. My heart aches for them.
