Sunday, October 28, 2012


This post is going to be filled to the brim with photos.

Dylan is so excited about his fireman costume, and since stormy weather may be threatening his chances of trick-or-treating for the second year in a row we celebrated early with a photo shoot. And for the first time in his tiny little life he was actually excited to sit in front of the camera.

My favorite blogger/author/sweetest-person-ever Ann Leary has been posting pictures of her animals adorned in costumes this week and I've been itching to get my three guys to play dress up with us. Of course I'm still recovering from losing my thyroid last week and am not allowed to lift anything so Sean had to help me set up my studio. He was glad to cooperate as long as it meant he could watch the football game while the toddler and pups were otherwise occupied.

I pretty much always torment the dogs by dressing them up. I think it's hilarious at the time but I usually feel pity for them later. Since I'm in the middle of watching some good quality reality programming and can't sleep I'm going to go through and find some of my favorite blackmail photos of the pups. Ready?

Here is Jasmine a few years ago on the 4th of July:

Patriotic Jazz

And here they are in their my red shirts for Christmas [Man, please pardon the state of our den in this photo, yikes]:


St Paddy's Day hankies for our Irish pups:

st pattys day 2010

This one of Sam was part of our Christmas card long before Sean and I were married:

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Sam getting punked on New Year's Eve:

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Jasmine in Sean's boxers:

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Or lounging around in a polo shirt:

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And of course here they are in their raincoats for Hurricane Irene last year:

Day 321 raincoat (3)
Day 321 raincoat (2)

Tonight was especially fun because Dylan helped me to get the dogs to focus by feeding them Cheddar Chex mix in between shots and laughing hysterically every time Sam swatted his sunglasses or Jasmine's hat fell off. Truthfully the dogs don't mind dressing up too much--although they look miserable--because they get personal alone time with us and they get lots of treats. So please don't call PETA. These guys are spoiled rotten.

Here are my babes in their Halloweenie best!

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I'm really hoping for my two-year-old's sake that Halloween is at least rescheduled should Hurricane Sandy make for undesirable weather come Wednesday night. Although I guess for all he knows Halloween means dressing up in your favorite costume and getting your picture taken with your dogs, who also happen to be dressed up like weirdos.