Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I bought a Mac, have I mentioned?  It arrived today in all of its bubble-wrapped glory. I have been banging my head against a figurative wall since the moment I plugged it in.  First I couldn't figure out why I had an extra plug.  Then I couldn't figure out why there was already an administrator User set up and why it was asking me for a password so I called the company. They said that there wasn't a password and that I should hit ENTER. Oh.  And then I couldn't--and still can't--reinstall Photoshop which is a huge oops.  Commence lots of swearing and head banging.

It went on like this all afternoon.

So when Sean came home I took the camera out into the yard for some meditation time. I love nature photography.

And since I can't figure out how the hell to install an editing program without upgrading my entire OS, I did a quick edit in iPhoto for the first time.


I have my doubts that I will ever be a MacBook girl. Right now my frustration level is so high, my judgement towards all things Mac is a little clouded. Ask me if I love it after I can get Photoshop back and figure out how the hell to right click.